Enhancing School Safety: Innovative Attack Resistant Steel Doors for Active Shooter & Forced Entry Prevention
As an organization that focuses on manufacturing specialized opening solutions, we devote a significant amount of time and resources to finding effective and innovative solutions through our research and development processes. Driving AMBICO’s ongoing product development process is the need for specific opening solutions in the market based on several architectural, geographical, and societal factors.
After identifying a new product need, AMBICO’s engineers brainstorm design ideas utilizing our extensive knowledge of specialized door and frame design as well as the unique needs and standards applicable to this new product. Preliminary drawings are then created and vetted by the engineering, management, and factory teams. Prototypes can be created depending on the complexity of the product. The final step is to manufacture a sample product that will be tested according to the applicable standards.
One of the most terrifying and deadly scenarios Americans face today is an active shooter attack. An active shooter attack is a violent attack by an individual who is actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people with a firearm in a confined and populated space. These attacks are usually unpredictable and can cause significant loss of life and injury. On average, a person is shot every eight seconds during an active shooter attack. School districts are required to keep their buildings up to fire code, but what measures are being taken to keep schools and their occupants safe from the threat of an active shooter?
Once a new product need is identified, AMBICO’s engineers brainstorm design ideas based on our extensive knowledge in specialized door design as well as the unique needs and standards applicable to this new product. Preliminary drawings are then created and vetted with the engineering team, management, and the factory. Prototypes can be created depending on the complexity of the product. Finally, a sample product is manufactured to be tested to the applicable standards.
One of the most terrifying and deadliest scenarios schools are facing in America today is an active shooter attack. School districts are required to have their buildings up to fire code, but on average, a person is shot every eight seconds in an active shooter attack. What is being done to keep schools safe from an active shooter?
AMBICO in collaboration with ARMOURED ONE identified the need for Attack resistant steel doors in the marketplace due to repeated active shooter attacks and intrusions at schools, businesses and public buildings across North America. This product offers a cost-effective solution to protect the students, faculty, employees and residents by preventing an active shooter from gaining entry into the building.
Unlike other ballistic products, this product will not stop a bullet from passing through, but will prevent physical entry during a ballistic and manual forced entry attack. Due to a large number of access points into a school, one of the biggest challenges faced by our engineers is building a product that is reliable, robust and cost effective making it feasible to be installed at a significant number of exterior entry and exit points.
Attack Resistant steel doors are equipped with a variety of features such as glass and latching hardware. These materials are critical to the product’s viability as it determines the product’s final cost and performance. These openings often demand a vision lite and both the glass and the lite kit must be resilient enough to withstand the attack.
The National Association of State Fire Marshals recommend school doors to be equipped with locks that can be secured from inside the room. Because locks can be disengaged by breaking through glass, entire door openings should be considered to enhance occupant safety.

As a result of repeated active shooter attacks and intrusions into schools, businesses, and public buildings across North America, AMBICO in collaboration with ARMOURED ONE identified the need for attack resistant steel doors. By preventing an active shooter from entering a building or restricting their access to freely move within it, our attack resistant steel door and frame assemblies offer a cost-effective solution to protect students, faculty, employees, and residents, while providing first responders with critical time to respond.
Unlike ballistic products, this product will not stop a bullet from passing through. However, it will prevent physical entry during a ballistic and manual forced entry attack. Due to the large number of access points into a typical school, one of the biggest challenges faced by our engineers is building a product that is reliable, robust, and cost effective making it feasible to be installed at a significant number of exterior entry and exit points.
Attack resistant steel doors are equipped with a variety of features such as glass and latching hardware. These materials are critical to the product’s viability as they determine the product’s final cost and performance. These openings often demand a vision lite, and both the glass and the lite kit must be resilient enough to withstand the attack.
The National Association of State Fire Marshals recommends school doors be equipped with locks that can be secured from inside the room. Because locks can be disengaged by breaking through glass, entire door openings should be considered to enhance occupant safety.