Unveiling ICC 500: 5 Key Insights About Tornado and Hurricane Shelter Standards When we recently designed and manufactured the first-ever wood door and steel frame to meet the ICC 500 standard, we had to put our product through rigorous testing to ensure it could pass the ICC 500 test criteria.…
What are radiation shielded doors and why do we need them? Doors are meant to keep something or someone, either out or in. Our acoustic doors are designed to control and limit sound transmission, our bullet resistant doors are designed to prevent the entry of ballistic rounds, and our blast…
It’s no secret that sustainability and green building will continue to play a huge role in the construction industry’s future. As manufacturers move towards more sustainable products and processes, AMBICO continues to evolve to meet not only the needs of our customers, but the needs of the environment. It’s this…
Innovating Protection: AMBICO’s Tornado-Resistant Wood Doors Defy Nature’s Fury A wood door has never passed ICC 500…until now! While Twister (Twister) may have been a box office hit that offered adrenaline-fueled storm chasing and grandiose special effects, the truth about tornados is truly devastating. Learn more about AMBICO’s tornado-resistant wood…